NanoTCAD ViDES installation



Installing NanoTCAD ViDES is very easy. In the package, the NanoTCAD ViDES simulator is provided as well as the user friendly fplot utility to visualize results.

First of all, untar the .tgz file which has been sent to you by email, by typing:

tar -xvzf NanoTCADViDES.tgz [return]

Go then to the NanoTCAD_ViDES directory which has been deflated.

In order to install the software you have to accomplish the following software requirements. In particular you need

- fortran 77 compiler
- C compiler
- make
- gnuplot
- python
- tcl/tk libraries (python-tk)

The makefile in the src directory are meant to run on a machine in which g77, gcc compilers are installed. If you want to use other compilers, please change the Makefile in the ./src directory.

WARNING: When working with compilers different from gcc/g77, sometimes you need to specify the NOMAIN variable in the Makefile.


pgf77/pgcc : NOMAIN = -Mnomain
intel compilers : NOMAIN = -nofor_main
g77/gcc on OS X : NOMAIN = -lcc_dynamic

To install, simply run the tcsh script, or just go in the src directory and type:

make [return]
make install [return]

If everything went well, you should find the compiled code in the ./bin directory, together with :

- the fplot utility and its files (sectionx, sectiony, sectionz)
- dimension.max
- input.material
- inputdeck (an example of ViDES input deck)

SUCH FILES HAVE TO RESIDE IN THE SAME DIRECTORY YOU LAUNCH THE CODE AS WELL AS THE INPUT DECK. So, if you copy the code into another directory, different from the ./bin directory, take care of copying all the files contained in the ./bin directory. Their meaning and use is explained in the manual you find also in the ./doc directory.